Wednesday, 30 January 2008


Here's the video of your wonderful performance at the Christmas party. I was really proud of you because you all made it possible with your effort and your enthusiasm. I had a great time and I hope you did too.

Enjoy the video and... don't forget to post your comments!!!

Tuesday, 8 January 2008


Every year around this time I start to get the feeling that I've been wasting too much time and that I should get more things done. So I promise to myself that in the new year ahead I will work harder, I will do more things, I will meet my friends more often or I will read more books. Oh, and, of course, I will go to the gym!!! Yes, number one on my list is always going to the gym. I sart off with a lot of energy... but I don't know why by mid February I have forgotten all about it and I start to laze around and find excuses for not getting up early and going to the gym.

So this year I have decided to make just one new year's resolution and stick to it: I'm going to take up studying German. I think that's more than enough. Then, anything else I may accomplish will be like a bonus and I will feel better about myself. Hey, that's a good trick!! I hope it works. Don't forget to ask me about it at the end of the year.

What about YOU? Share your new year's resolutions with everyone else on the blog.