Tuesday, 8 January 2008


Every year around this time I start to get the feeling that I've been wasting too much time and that I should get more things done. So I promise to myself that in the new year ahead I will work harder, I will do more things, I will meet my friends more often or I will read more books. Oh, and, of course, I will go to the gym!!! Yes, number one on my list is always going to the gym. I sart off with a lot of energy... but I don't know why by mid February I have forgotten all about it and I start to laze around and find excuses for not getting up early and going to the gym.

So this year I have decided to make just one new year's resolution and stick to it: I'm going to take up studying German. I think that's more than enough. Then, anything else I may accomplish will be like a bonus and I will feel better about myself. Hey, that's a good trick!! I hope it works. Don't forget to ask me about it at the end of the year.

What about YOU? Share your new year's resolutions with everyone else on the blog.


estrella said...


This year, one of my five new year's resolutions is to keep calm when something is not resulting as expected. I think this will be very good for me and also for the people around me (hehe) in the end and I hope to achieve it!

Good luck to all of you in 2008 :)

nieves said...

Nieves (2 IC):
I think that everybody makes new resolutions in a New Year, but everybody forgets it. A few years ago my resolution for a New Year was to give up smoking and I achieved my purpose. I´m too proud of it.
This year my resolution is that I don´t watch something on TV, I think that TV is a waste of time. But I forget that I asked for a new TV for Christmas...

nieves said...

Nieves (2 IC):
Sorry, I wanted to say "this year I will not watch TV...", because is the future or "I am not going to watch TV...". I know the theory. Isn´t it?

Anonymous said...

I hope you don´t keep to your resolutions.Please, stop emitting carbohydrate. Recycle as much as you can.Stop wasting electricity, water and food, even your breath.Waste not, want not. Let´s hope everything turns out all right!

aurora said...

I never make resolutions.

I think that is better to change things gradually over the year, that to make a great resolution that I don´t know if I can do it once a year.

Anonymous said...

María José (2 IC)
I think New Year resolutions is a waste of time because you usually don't do it never, like going to a gym, everybody thinks "I must do more exercise" but a few weeks after new year you are again lying on the sofa watching TV.
So I never make new year resolutions because I know I won't do it.

Anonymous said...

Angelica (2IC)
I never think about make new year´s resolutions but I always have a resolution.
I try to see the good of the things and never lose the smile. The life has three days to lose one angry.
You should try it.

Paula González said...
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Paula González said...

I think it´s true that people hardly ever do their new´s year resolutions , but sometimes the people remeber their new´s year resolutions and do it .
This year , I think one of my new years resolutions it´s to pass my exams and pass the course , I hope it!
I think a very good new year´s resolution it´s recycle as much as you can . We have to keep our planet!
Other can be , if you buy a car , buy a car that emitting less carbohydrate(an ecologic car) . I think all of us can recycle more..

Concha said...

Concha y Carolina (2IC)

We think that in the Angelica`s text the sentence: "The life has three days to lose one angry", should be: "Life has three days to lose one angry".

Celia y Vero (2 IC) said...

In the María José's comment she said "you usually don't do it never" and we think that the correct form is "you don't usually keep them". We think the same as you about the resolutions!