Friday, 2 November 2007


Well, before I was born, my parents had thought of calling me Raquel. Raquel is a beautiful name and it sounds nice. But on the very day I was born, my father decided to change it to Carmen. A sister of my mother's, who was also called Carmen had died at the age of three, so my father thought it would be a nice surprise to both my mother and my grandmother. And that's how I got my name and I'm quite happy about it. You might argue that it's a bit old-fashioned, but I don't mind it a bit. I just thank God my aunt wasn´t called Raimunda!!!

And YOU, do you know how your parents chose your name? Do you like it? Or... do you hate it like Chris in this video? Enjoy the video and then share YOUR STORY with everybody else on the blog.


Tsubaki Akashi said...

María José (2 IA)
My name is María José because my father chose it, because my mother chose my brother's name.He wanted to call me María and when I was born my grandmother suggested that call me María José because if I were a boy my father call José María. I like my name and I like better than only María, but I hate that nobody ends it, they call me Mariajo or M.J. because they say that María José is too long.

RaKeL said...

Raquel (2IC)
Hello! My name is Raquel. It's because my sister chose it..really! She was five when my parents said her: "Chose a name for your sister: Raquel, Silvia or Helena" My sister decided to call me Raquel...I don't know why jejeje.
My friends call me Rachel, they say it's more informal than Raquel.
I really like my name and about it I know it means sheep in hebrew. That's fun! jajaja

AZAHARA said...

Azahara (2IC)
My name is Azahara because my mother chose it, because my mother is from Cordoba and in Cordoba there is some ruins called Medina Azahara although there is a music band called too Medina Azahara and they are from Cordoba then my mother decided call me Azahara.
I like my name because is very beautiful and sounds very well.

Carol said...

MªCarolina Cantero (2IC)
Hello! I am María Carolina. When I was born my mother wanted to call me Carolina because she thought it`s a very nice name. But is a tradicional in my father`s village call María when was born a girl, so my parents decided to call me María Carolina.
I really like my name complet but only use it to oficial subjects. Normally nobody call me María Carolina because it´s very long...well, only my mothers say it when she is very ungry whit me!My friends call me Carol because it`s shorter and more lovely.

nieves said...

Nieves (2 IC)
My name is Nieves because an aunt of my father was also called Nieves.I think that my father wanted this name for me because she was his favourite aunt.
When I was a teenager I didn´t like my name because I wanted a more original and special name. Today I like it because is easy and short to remenber it.

Maria said...

Hello everybody!!
My parents called me Maria because is a short and simple name; they hate a strange long names.
They really liked because in my family nobody had this name.
My friends call me "Mari" but I hate this, because it sounds me an old woman name.
Sincerely I don´t like my name very much,because it´s simple and millions of women in Spain are called in this way - My parents are very creative!!!jeje-
But I don´t mind very much because when I have a daugther, I´m going to call her a special and original name, whit more persolality.

Carmen Prieto said...

Carmen Prieto (Your teacher!!!)
Hello everybody! Thank you for sharing your stories. They are all very interesting. Remember to specify your name and group. I'd like to encourage you to read your classmates' stories and make comments (personal or grammatical). It will be much more interesting if we communicate with each other. Thanks again and keep it up.

Paula González said...

Paula (2IC)
Hello everybody! My name is Paula. When I was born my mother wanted to call me Ángela or Paula but chose Paula because my parents thought it´s a very nice name and because my great-grandmother was also called Paula. Most of people said when I was born that Paula it´s a name for an old woman jejeje but I like that there aren´t a lot of people whith my age with the name Paula . I like my name because I think that it´s very nice and original but I don´t like its mean in greek "little" . My friends usually call me Pau but Paula it´s OK!

angelica said...

Angélica (2IC)
Hello!My name is Angelica because my mother liked it.She chose this name when she had 15 years because she listened a mother to call his daughter Angelica and my mother thought that if she had a daughter she would call her Angelica.
I really like my name because I think it´s an original name that it doesn´t listen very much.
My friends call me Angie, they say it´s more quick to say because Angélica is too long.

carol said...

Carolina Hidalgo (2IC)
I´m Carolina, but everybody calls me Carol. It´s shorter. My grandfather chose my name. He was born in Sevilla, but he lived near La Carolina when he was a child.
When I was younger my name was unusual, so people says: Look, like The Princess!!! And I hated it.
My name means strong, curious and active person who likes Nature.
And I think that Ít´s real. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Aurora 2IC

My name is Dawn. My father put me that name for my aunt.

My father always wanted to have a daughter, because in his family, there was only one girl, his sister, but she died when they were children.
I have three older brothers, But my father wanted to have a daughter, he was determined to have a daughter.
And if I was a boy, my father would have continued to find the girl.

My mother wanted to call me: Angelica Maria or Rosa Maria, but my father didn´t want, and put me Dawn, to remind his sister.

When I was a girl, hated that name, I didn´t like it, because it remembered me the name of a grandmother, but now I like it, because it is a very special name, its meaning is very beautiful, and it is not a common name.....

Anonymous said...

Rosa Mª Sampedro(2IC)
Hello!!My name is Rosa María.My mother was doubting between Rosa and Gema but finally she decided for rose because my grandmother calls equally and Maria because my brother liked it.Then, my parents called me ROSA MARÍA.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's really curious... my parents had also decided to call me Raquel, and finally they didn't do it... Thanks God! Because it would be funny: a man called Raquel! jejeje
Instead, when they realized I was a boy, they decided to call me David. I love my name, as it means beloved in hebrew... There it will be someone who really love me?

estrella said...

Estrella (ex-pupil)
Hello, my complete name is Estrella María but nobody calls me so, it's too long! Some people even say that it seems a name from a soap opera... Anyway, I like it a lot because I was named after both of my grandmothers and I love them very much!

Anonymous said...

She decided not to have babies. She didn’t want to have the responsibility of giving a name to someone. Could you imagine? That was a great responsibility. She thought that a name could interfere with the course you had set for yourself. No way, she didn’t want to. She discovered that few people were happy with their names. They were used to them, instead. It was like that.
-“Bárbara, why are you crying?” she asked one day to her little niece.
-“well-the girl sobbed, -today the teacher said to the whole class that my name was a synonym for cruelty, rudeness and many more things…I don’t want to be still being calling Bárbara.”

She remembered those days with nostalgia. Her niece was to be the author of her life, of course, but she had to fight a lot, and demonstrate that she wasn’t what the other children called her at the playground.

Anonymous said...

María José Arroyo (ex-pupil)

My name´s María José. I think the first person who wrote about her name was also called María José. I really don´t know whether I like it or not; after all, I didn´t choose it and I have to share my life with it, such as I have to put up with my eyes colour (I know, I know: I can change my name and I can use contact lens, but I´m so lazy!).
The curious thing about it doesn´t lie in the fact that it is formed by the two most common Spanish names, but in my personal situation. My paternal grandparents´ names were José and Josefa and my husband´s one is José. You can see I was surrounded by people called this way, so clearly I couldn´t avoid having this name. I have two daughters, but, fortunately, neither of them is called María José. They wouldn´t have forgiven me for such a decision.
Kisses, especially to Carmen, my admired teacher.

Anonymous said...

My name is Irene, and I'm used to be quite happy being called like that. It means "peace" in grec, and it's very common in Germany or even in France. Here, in Spain, I thought that I was the only Irene in the class. But then, it came the Serie "Médico de Familia", where Emilio Aragón's wife was called Irene too. It was difficult to accept that every single little girl was called like me!. Now, I have to live with the feeling than I'm not the only Irene in the world. :-(

Anonymous said...

hello Maria!!
We are Alvaro and Teresa. We was reading your comment and you have one mistake:
You wrote: They really like because in my family nobody had this name.
we think that it is: They really like "it" because in my family nobody ahd this name.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, Maria:
They really like "it" because in my family nobody had this name

RaKeL said...

From: Aurora and Raquel
To: Carolina Cantero

Hello Carolina!
We think you have some mistakes in your post but we are going to tell you only about one:
You don't write the subject sometimes like in this sentence:
'But is a tradicional...' You had to write But it's a tradition...
And here you do the same:
'but only use it to ' Yu must write the subject which is I in this case.
We hope to help you with this.
See you!