Thursday, 1 November 2007


I'm starting this blog today in the hope that you'll make it grow. So I want to start by quoting William B. Yeats:

"Education is not like filling a bucket, it's like lighting a fire."

I find this quote most inspiring. And YOU? What do you think about it?


nieves said...

Nieves (2 IC)
Go into a education is a definitive advantage for the society.

Paula González said...

Paula (2IC)
Congratulations! I think make this blog it´s a very good idea it help us to learn english and to talk each other!

carol said...

Education has a lot of faces. I think Education is like a bright light and it shouldn´t turn off or like a fire that we had to stoke up. It is the best weapon that we have.

carol said...

Carol Hidalgo (2IC)
Sorry i forgot my name. There are two carols.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, "Education" is the key to succes in every subject we choose. So, we should be grateful to all those teachers who devote their lifes to help us in increasing our knowlegde.
Thanks Carmen! I think your blog is a very good idea.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with this quote. Education requires two elements being interacting -like fire- and the person who receives education can't be just a passive object -as it is a bucket being filled. So... get burnt with English!

Alberto López (ex-pupil).